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Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

Media Release  5th of January 2011

Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary
PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166
Email: cec@cecaust.com.au
Website: http://cec.cecaust.com.au

Isherwood: Blame flood damage on greenie/free market British imperialism

The active suppression of Australian economic development ideas over many decades is the real cause of the devastation wreaked by the floods in Queensland, and the Pilbara, Gascoyne and Mid West in Western Australia, declared Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood today.

“Australia is largely naked against the threat of such natural disasters,” Mr Isherwood stated, “because virtually all of the great development project ideas in terms of flood control and water storage, conceived over the years by visionary Australians, have been squashed by Australia’s imperial masters in Britain.”

He zeroed in on the City of London-dictated policies of free market “economic rationalism”, and Prince Philip’s anti-population “green” agenda, as responsible for the calamity that locals in Queensland are comparing to Hurricane Katrina, which isn’t just inundating homes in cities, but is washing away crops and topsoil, and already poorly-maintained bridges and roads.

“The British have used bean-counters and bird-brain greenies to deliberately stop Australia from developing the kind of infrastructure that mitigates these types of floods,” he said.

“For example, the London School of Economics-trained bureaucrat H.C. ‘Nugget’ Coombs, a self-styled member of the ‘international freemasonry of central bankers’, boasted that in the late 1940s he used his position to kill off the entire slate of the Chifley government’s intended postwar economic development projects—except for the Snowy Mountains Scheme.

“Coombs later succeeded Prince Philip as the president of the prince’s Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), which spawned the entire green movement that currently has Australia under an ecofascist dictatorship.

“Projects such as the Bradfield Scheme, the Reid Scheme, and the Dawson River Scheme that could today be protecting people have instead languished as blueprints on dusty shelves.”

The CEC National Secretary blasted as “pathetic and callous” Julia Gillard’s and Anna Bligh’s responses to the disaster, and reiterated his 21st December call for a general farm debt moratorium under the terms of the CEC’s Homeowners and Bank Protection Bill 2008 in order to ensure the survival of the rural industries which are the backbone of the devastated communities.

“Australia desperately needs governments which are committed to the welfare of the Australian people first and foremost, which means being committed to Australia’s industries and infrastructure.

“The CEC is alone among Australian political parties in fighting for the economic policies and infrastructure projects that will develop Australia and mitigate the scale of the current deluge disaster.

Read the CEC’s ‘Infrastructure Road to Recovery’, which is the blueprint for the economic development projects that are necessary for Australia’s future, and join our fight to get it implemented,” he concluded.

To have a free copy of the Infrastructure Road to Recovery mailed to you, click here.

To buy a copy of What Australia Must Do to Survive the Depression, click here.

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All electoral content is authorised by National Secretary, Craig Isherwood, 595 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058.