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Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

Media Release  4th of March 2010

Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary
PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166
Email: cec@cecaust.com.au
Website: http://cec.cecaust.com.au

LaRouche candidate wins in mass-strike boilover

Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood today congratulated U.S. LaRouche Youth Movement leader Kesha Rogers on her boilover victory in the Democratic Party primary for the Texas 22nd Congressional district:

“Kesha’s win is a victory for the common good, and is a warning to those who betray that principle, that the people are coming after you,” he said.

“In a stunning example that what you read in the mainstream Australian media is a pack of lies: forget their rock-star image of Obama—Kesha, an African-American woman, won a landslide in a Democratic Party primary by campaigning to IMPEACH BARACK OBAMA; winning 52 per cent of the vote, she outpolled her two opposing candidates combined.

“Australian state premiers may be embarrassingly lobbying to have Obama visit their states, but the American people hate him, even those in his own party.

“Why? Because he betrayed them, and sold them out to Wall Street and the City of London,” Mr Isherwood charged.

Kesha Rogers’ victory, under the campaign slogan, “Impeach Obama, Save NASA, Vote Kesha”, is the latest manifestation of the mass-strike Lyndon LaRouche identified had taken hold of the American people back in July 2009.

The people put their trust in Obama to rescue America from the disaster of the Bush years, and the exploding economic crisis, only to realise, within months, that he betrayed them. Instead of cleaning out Wall Street, like Roosevelt did in similar circumstances and the way LaRouche prescribed, he bailed them out, bankrupting the United States to the tune of $23 trillion to prop up not only U.S. banks, but the entire City of London-run international monetary system.

To pay for this bail-out, he is pursuing a brutal austerity program against the people, including deep cuts to health care, and cut-backs to NASA, including cancelling NASA’s manned space exploration program, Constellation—a raw issue for Texans in Kesha’s Houston region in particular. (Obama’s health care reform is the ultimate betrayal: couched as ‘universal health care’, it is in fact universal health care rationing, which under the cover of forcibly enrolling 30 million more people to the rapacious private, read it, private health insurance companies, cuts $2 trillion from existing programs like Medicare for the elderly, whom Obama has singled out as the main expense of the health care system that needs to be slashed. As LaRouche charged, “Kill grandma, to bail out Wall Street.”)

Mr Isherwood warned that Kesha’s victory, although in the U.S., puts Rudd and Abbott on notice:

“There is a mass-strike underway in Australia as well, and if Rudd’s ALP or the Abbott Coalition continue to betray Australians through their globalist policies—like in the current health care debate where both sides are trying to claim Jeff Kennett’s genocidal reforms in Victoria as their model—they will pay for it too.

“Like LaRouche and Kesha, the CEC’s commitment is to the common good, and that is the principle people will rally around in this crisis,” he said.

To read/view Lyndon LaRouche’s comments regarding Kesha’s victory, click here.

To find out more about LaRouche and the Roosevelt legacy he represents in the U.S. Democratic party, click here for a free copy of the feature DVD, 1932, and a copy of Executive Intelligence Review magazine. (To purchase a copy of 1932, click here.)

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