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LaRouche Webcast: July 22, 2008 - The 4 Powers Must Agree on New Monetary System Principles

LaRouche Webcast: The U.S.A., Russia, China, and India Must Agree on Principles for a New Monetary System, Now

June 30, 2008 (LPAC)--In a major paper released on LaRouchePAC.com and EIR this week, economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche argues for the immediate formation of an initiating committee, composed of the governments of the U.S.A., Russia, China, and India, to agree on urgent reforms to the collapsing international monetary system. The paper, entitled "The Economics Debate About Russia,'' defines the crucial policy proposals for discussion in both international policy-making circles, and the United States election campaign, over the immediate weeks ahead.

LaRouche will also speak on this topic at his next international webcast, scheduled for Tuesday July 22, at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time. The webcast will be broadcast live, here, at www.larouchepac.com.

LaRouche puts the matter thus:

"What must occur soon, if a horror which would be worse than Europe's Fourteenth-Century so-called "New Dark Age'' is to be averted, must be the formation of an initial organizing committee composed of the governments of the U.S.A., Russia, China, and India, a committee whose agreement to what needs to be adopted as certain common principles of reform, principles which will serve as the needed catalyst for a general, more or less global agreement to a reform committed to certain principles of global cooperation among a majority of the world's nation-states. This reform must be essentially global, and must be crafted to serve as a process of reform to be continued during a coming half-century interval.

"My recommendation is, that the U.S.A. must become prepared, soon, to volunteer its participation in this four-power initiative. This recommendation will astonish some; but, none the less, it is indispensable if civilization is to be preserved. At the present moment, what I propose does indeed appear to be an unlikely development for the near future. However, my advantage in this matter, is that I have clearly in view, as most other leading figures and circles do not, the kind of blows which the presently onrushing, global economic-breakdown-crisis is about to deliver to the U.S. economy and its political process. Current history affords the U.S.A. no real option for survival, but that which I propose here, if it wishes to survive the presently onrushing phase of the ongoing crisis.''

In fact, the outside limit for a qualified U.S. Presidential candidate to issue a statement calling for Four Power cooperation in dealing with the systemic financial crisis, is September, after the nominating conventions. Without U.S. involvement, LaRouche said, no competent resolution to the current systemic disaster can be reached.

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