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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

Jews for a Just Peace — Australia

The following petition was signed by almost 250 Jewish Australians, and was published as a half-page ad in The Age on May 30, 2002. For more on Jews for a Just Peace, see their website at www.jews4jp.org


Jews for a Just Peace is an alliance that covers a broad spectrum of views: all of us believe that violence will never solve the problems between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. Peace will only prevail with the establishment of a secure and viable Palestinian state together with Palestinian acceptance of an Israeli state within recognised and secure borders.

This requires mutual respect and understanding, which will necessitate changes to both peoples¦ educational, cultural, religious and media institutions.

In solidarity with the peace movement in Israel we support the following.

  1. The end of both state-sanctioned violence and of terrorism against civilians for achieving political goals.
  2. The immediate establishment of an international peacekeeping force to end the cycle of violence.
  3. An immediate resumption of negotiations aimed at the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel based on the pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states.
  4. Withdrawal of the Israeli army from territories occupied in 1967.
  5. A just resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem that takes into account the needs and aspirations of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. This should respect the special relationship between the state of Israel and the Jewish people while acknowledging Israel's share of responsibility for the plight of Palestinian refugees.
  6. The removal of Israeli settlements from the occupied territories. These settlements are recognised internationally as a major obstacle to peace.

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