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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

Revive LaRouche's Oasis Plan For Mideast Peace

Nancy SpannausLeesburg, April 30 — Nancy Spannaus, the LaRouche Democrat running for U.S. Senate in Virginia, today issued a call for citizens to rally behind the only available Middle East peace plan in the true interests of Israelis and Arabs, the Oasis Plan of Presidential candidate and economist Lyndon LaRouche.

Spannaus writes: "The choice today, is not between Arab and Israeli; it is between peace, and perpetual war. Neither Israel nor the Palestinians can survive an escalating military conflict, not to mention the rest of the world. As in the negotiations to end the 30 Years' War of "Catholic" against "Protestant" in 17th century Europe, it is incumbent upon statesmen from both sides to proceed from the standpoint that a peace must benefit both sides, and recriminations and revenge must not be allowed to prevent the pursuit of that peace. We must heed the words of Lyndon LaRouche, who has called for adopting the outlook of the Treaty of Westphalia that ended the 30 Years' War."

After a short review of the Treaty of Westphalia principles, the Democratic Senate candidate, who has taken the lead in exposing the Nazi-like Warsaw Ghetto strategy against Palestinians by Ariel Sharon and the IDF, puts forward the LaRouche Oasis Plan, beginning with organizing drive which LaRouche began in 1975-6.

The central focus of LaRouche's plan is the provision of adequate clean water supplies for the region. Spannaus writes: "Turkey is the only country in the Mideast region where there is ample water, because that is where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers originate. All other nations suffer from a depletion of their watersheds, and absolutely minimal rainfall, thus making competition for water resources a major source of conflict between states, and an absolute barrier to development — unless modern technological means for increasing fresh-water supplies are adopted. That technological means can best be provided through nuclear-powered mass desalination of sea water, a method which would also provide substantial new infusions of much needed electric power into the region."

Spannaus then lists the key water development projects, and associated infrastructure plans, which comprise the means for massive development in the Middle East region.

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