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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

'Vladimir Hitler' and Rabbi Kook

Shortly before Prime Minister Rabin was murdered by a Jewish underground assassin, Yigal Amir, who was associated with the radical West Bank settlers and the Temple Mount crazies, Rabin had described the Jewish fundamentalist fanatics as an "errant seed," that had nothing to do with Judaism. The Judaism to which Rabin was referring, was the Mosaic tradition, carried into the founding of the state of Israel by such followers of Moses Mendelssohn as David Ben-Gurion, Abba Eban, and Rabin's "peace partner," Shimon Peres.

But, under the sponsorship of the British Crown, the Club of the Isles, and the British masonic structures, the "errant seed" had been injected into the religious and political life of the Jewish community in Palestine long before the launching of the current Temple Mount project. And not surprisingly, that irrationalist theological current closely paralleled the Jewish fascism of Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky—the founder of the so-called Revisionist movement, that spawned the Likud bloc and the Gush Emunim of today's "fundamentalized" Israel, and the man whom David Ben-Gurion, the founding father of the state of Israel, referred to as "Vladimir Hitler."

British imperial occult designs on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount first surfaced prominently in 1865, with the founding of the Palestine Exploration Fund, under British royal sponsorship, and the first archaeological expeditions to the Holy Land. Prince Edward Albert, the son of Queen Victoria who would succeed her as King Edward VII, had visited Jerusalem in 1862, and put his imprimatur on the launching of the Palestine Exploration Fund immediately thereafter. Prince Edward Albert, known as the "Prince of the Isles," was a dominant figure in Britain's imperial designs of the late Nineteenth Century, and Jerusalem and the Holy Land was one of his personal priorities.

The first excavation of the holy sites in Jerusalem, centered on the Temple Mount, was carried out by the Palestine Exploration Fund, under the direction of Gen. Sir Charles Warren, during 1867-70. This expedition launched the British Freemasonic "Temple Mount project." In 1884, Warren was one of only nine Freemasons who founded the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, and he became its first head.

Within occult Judaism, the pivotal religious figure in this British-sponsored saga was Rav Abraham Isaac Kook. According to Kook's autobiography, in pre-World War II London, he was an intimate collaborator of Jabotinsky, recruiting and raising funds for Jabotinsky's Jewish Legion, which fought the Ottoman Turks on behalf of the British Empire.

After the British Mandate was established over Palestine, Rabbi Kook was appointed by London to serve as Palestine's Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, a post he held until his death in 1935. Rabbi Kook revived Jewish mysticism, the teaching of the Cabbala, and the prophesies relating to the Third Temple.

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