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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

Rabin's Assassins: The Jabotinsky Gang

By Michele Steinberg, EIR Vol 29 # 23, June 14, 2002.

The intellectual authors of the Nov. 4, 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, were the group identified in the previous article as "Jabotinsky's Princes," most prominently Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon, whose rise to power was the direct result of that murder. The story is graphically detailed in a book by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman, Murder in the Name of God: The Plot To Kill Yitzhak Rabin (New York: Metropolitan Books, 1998), which was reviewed by Michele Steinberg in EIR, March 8, 2002. The authors provide an extensively researched report on the network of rabbis who control the Jewish terrorists, and who pronounced a religious death sentence on Oslo peacemaker Rabin — and on the meetings where discussions of the "duty" to kill Rabin took place. The following quotes from Steinberg's review and from the book give a good idea of what fascists we are dealing with.

Karpin and Friedman write:

"By early evening [of Oct. 5, 1995, date of the Knesset parliamentary debate on Oslo II], tens of thousands of right-wing protesters had made their way to Jerusalem's Zion Square for a demonstration called by the opposition parties, the Yesha Council, the Joint Staff and the Action Headquarters.... A bearded young man in a yarmulke was caught on tape holding a picture of Rabin in one hand and beating it with his fist while shouting ... 'Because of this dog, this country is going to be destroyed.'... The microphone caught a voice saying, 'Instead of filming, will you come to the funeral? Will you come to the funeral tomorrow?'...

"As loudspeakers blasted patriotic songs, the crowd began working itself up to a frenzy even before any of the scheduled speakers had begun.... Wild young men in yellow Kach T-shirts carried Meir Kahane's son, Benyamin, on their shoulders.... Supporters of the Likud set Rabin's portrait on fire. Two bearded young men hoisted a banner reading 'Rabin, Arafat's Dog.' Standing near them a woman waving a blue and white Likud flag shouted, 'Death to Rabin!' over and over like a mantra. Shouts of 'Nazis!' 'Collaborators!' and 'Judenrat!' were levelled at the cordon of policemen.... Overlooking it all, on the balcony of the Ron Hotel, stood a gallery of right-wing politicians gazing with satisfaction at the maelstrom below. [Then-Likud chairman] Benjamin Netanyahu waved his hand at the demonstrators in encouragement. Ariel Sharon, Tsomet's Rafael Eitan, and Rehavam Ze'evi — all masters of anti-Arab and anti-government invective — flanked him. Tsachi Hanegbi, Netanyahu's liaison with the Action Headquarters, stood beaming with pride at the turnout and tenor of the crowd. The heart of the capital had been turned into a scene of fevered abandon.|...

"The climax of the evening was Netanyahu's speech.... Throughout the speech the violence kept escalating. Demonstrators threw lit torches at policemen. Groups of Kach supporters jumped up and down screaming, 'Rabin is a dog.... In blood and fire we'll drive Rabin out' ... [Netanyahu] thundered, '...we will bring the government down."

Karpin and Friedman tell how the violence escalated, especially after a leaflet with a photo-montage of Rabin dressed in an Nazi SS uniform began circulating, and the chant rose, "Rabin is a Nazi." In this frenzy, the demonstrators marched to the Knesset, where they attacked Rabin's empty limousine...."

A month later, Rabin was shot and killed at a campaign rally by Yigal Amir, a fellow traveller of the Kach movement, who had been harassing Rabin at his home for over a year.

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