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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

Is Netanyahu Plotting Terror Inside the U.S.?

by Jeffrey Steinberg (EIR, May 24, 2002)

EIR learned on May 10 that Israeli consular officials in New York were scrambling to coverup several new incidents of Israeli nationals being detained by U.S. law-enforcement and immigration officials, under circumstances suggesting they may have been involved in planned terrorist activities. According to the source, Israeli nationals had been detained in Detroit, Michigan, Albequerque, New Mexico, and at a third undisclosed location on the West Coast. Ever since EIR's Executive Alert Service broke the story on Dec. 4, 2001, about Israeli spying inside the United States, with possible links to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and Washington, high-profile exposés have been published in the United States and France, revealing a major Israeli covert operation, targeting U.S. government facilities and Islamic networks all over the United States.

After a 60-page Drug Enforcement Administration internal working report on the Israeli spy ring leaked in the media, Attorney General John Ashcroft and other top Federal law-enforcement officials have been working round-the-clock to plug the leaks. But EIR warned in January that this was a story "too big to bury."

The latest EIR lead on ongoing Israeli espionage and possible terror-plotting, was confirmed on May 13. Fox TV News aired a report by Carl Cameron, revealing that on May 7, police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in southern Washington State, had stopped a suspicious truck and detained two Israelis, one of whom was illegally in the United States. The two men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental truck, which they claimed had been used to "deliver furniture." The next day, police discovered traces of TNT and RDX military-grade plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and on the steering wheel of the vehicle.

Sources report that U.S. Naval Intelligence, military police, and Federal law-enforcement agencies, including the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and the CIA, have taken a great interest in the case.

If the two detained Israelis prove to be linked, in any way, to the ongoing spy probe of the so-called "Israeli art students" who have been infiltrating U.S. law-enforcement facilities and domestic military bases for the past two years, this will blow apart the heavy-handed cover-up that Ashcroft and others have been attempting.

The incident in Washington State is the third since Sept. 11, 2001, in which Israelis have been detained and moving trucks seized. On Sept. 11, five Israeli nationals were detained in Hoboken, New Jersey for "suspicious behavior." The moving company they worked for was later exposed by the New York City Jewish weekly Forward as a front company for the Israeli foreign intelligence agency Mossad. The owner fled to Israel shortly after the five men were detained. Several months later, another team of Israeli nationals was stopped and detained in a suburb of Philadelphia. The moving truck that they were driving contained extensive surveillance videos of the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Bibi Threatens America

Some U.S. officials have privately concurred with the warning by Lyndon LaRouche, that the re-emergence of the Israeli spy teams, particularly in apparent possession of sophisticated explosives, may portend Israeli "false-flag" terror attacks against U.S. targets—to be then blamed on al-Qaeda or radical Palestinian factions. This is not a shot-in-the-dark speculation. During his recent tour of the United States, former Israeli Prime Minister and wannabe-successor to Ariel Sharon, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, pointedly threatened the United States with precisely such terror attacks. Speaking on April 10, at a forum on Capitol Hill, co-hosted by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) and John Kyl (R-Ariz.), Netanyahu ranted:

"If we do not shut down the terror factories that [Palestinian Authority President Yasser] Arafat is hosting—those terror factories that are producing human bombs—it is only a matter of time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities here in America. If not destroyed, this madness will strike in your buses, in your supermarkets, in your pizza parlors, in your cafés. Eventually, it is not impossible that those human bombs will supplement their murderous force with suitcases equipped with devices of mass death that could make the horrors of Sept. 11 seem pale by comparison" (emphasis added).

Adding further fuel to the concerns about an Israeli false-flag terror attack on U.S. soil was the report, published in the Washington Post on May 15, that two members of a West Bank Jewish terrorist cell, Shlomo Dvir and Yarden Morag, had been arrested in the Arab Quarter of East Jerusalem on April 28, while attempting to detonate a truck bomb that was parked, full of explosives, near an Arab girls school and a hospital. The Israeli source who first alerted EIR to the recent arrests of Israelis in Detroit, Albequerque, and the West Coast, warned that Israeli police were hunting down other members of the same West Bank Jewish terror cell, who were targeting Jewish sites in Tel Aviv and Haifa for bomb attacks—that would be blamed on Palestinians.

Five Israelis were, in fact, arrested and briefly held in Detroit in the past week, for disorderly conduct at the city's international airport.

Next: A 35-Year Cover-up: When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty

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