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The Struggle for the Soul of Judaism:
Moses Mendelssohn vs. Vladimir Jabotinsky—
An Ecumenical Dialogue, or Fascist Holocaust?

Israeli Spies Scandal Is Too Big To Bury

By Jeffrey Steinberg (EIR, Jan. 11, 2002)

Since EIR Executive Alert Service for Dec. 4, 2001 exposed a massive Israeli spy network operating inside the United States, with possible links to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, there has been a mad scramble by Israeli lobby organizations and the Israeli government to bury the story.

While these efforts have prompted top executives at Fox-TV News to pull from their own website their four-part series of news stories on the Israeli spy escapades, the scope of this threat to U.S. national security is just too big to bury.

Indeed, the frantic efforts to silence Fox-TV have only served to expose several leading Israeli lobby fronts as complicit in a massive cover-up effort, and, in one case, in the espionage operations themselves.

EIR Alert Broke Spy Story

EIR Executive Alert Service informed its subscribers that the U.S. government was probing a massive Israeli espionage apparatus inside the United States, made up of Israeli military and intelligence specialists, linked to the Israeli mafia, and to current Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sharon, along with ex-Mossad operator Rafi Eytan, had run the Jonathan Jay Pollard spy ring in the early 1980s, which stole enormous amounts of U.S. military secrets, and passed some of those secrets on to the Soviet KGB and Chinese intelligence.

The current spy operation has been in place since the mid-1990s, according to U.S. government documents and Israeli sources. Teams of Israeli operatives, pretending to be selling Israeli art and toys, have been surveilling and profiling U.S. government installations, and infiltrating Muslim-American communities all across the United States. Several Israeli operatives, detained after the Sept. 11 attacks, have been linked to suspected "Islamic" terrorist cells in southern California, according to an Israeli source, prompting a growing view among U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence agents that Israel, at minimum, had advance knowledge about the Sept. 11 attacks—knowledge which they did not share with the United States.

Israeli sources have alerted EIR to the prospect of further "Islamic" terrorist attacks on U.S. targets—actually ordered by Sharon and carried out by the Israeli infiltrators. The purpose of such "Islamic-labelled" terror attacks would be to break the Bush Administration's persisting resistance to an all-out war against Arab and Islamic target-states, such as Iraq, and to force the United States into a self-destructive military alliance with Sharon's Israel.

Several of the detainees have also been linked to Israeli high-tech companies that are now the subject of U.S. government probes, for their ties to both Israeli mafia drug-running operations and the espionage teams. Amdocs, an Israeli telecommunications firm which maintains contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in America, is one firm that has been directly tied to the spy squads. The U.S. government probes also involve the Israeli firms Comverse and Telrad, which have national security telecommunications contracts with U.S. government agencies, including the FBI and the White House.

An interagency task force, with participation from the CIA and the National Security Agency, is reportedly probing the Israeli spy apparatus, including the role of the Israeli high-tech firms. Asked to respond to Israeli claims that the probe has been terminated, one government source reported that a number of the Israelis are still in U.S. detention. "If the investigation was closed," the source noted, "they would have been sent home."


Within hours of Fox-TV's Dec. 11 pickup of the story on the Israeli spy ring and its suspected ties to Sept. 11, a mobilization call went out, among Zionist lobby organizations, to mount a pressure campaign to kill the story. The Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a group closely allied with the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), widely circulated two calls to arms, to have Fox-TV inundated with phone calls, faxes, letters and e-mails, demanding that the story, by chief Washington political correspondent Carl Cameron, be pulled.

CAMERA was launched in 1983, at the height of the Pollard spy operations, ostensibly to promote "accurate and balanced media coverage of Israel and the Middle East." However, its actual mission has been to suppress any news coverage critical of Israel, especially of the ultra-rightist Likud apparatus. Among its board members, CAMERA lists Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), the sponsor of recent Congressional resolutions endorsing Ariel Sharon's "preemptive assassination" and bulldozing policies as legitimate "anti-terrorist" actions. The group's mission has also been endorsed, according to their literature, by current Israeli Interior Minister Natan Sharansky. Sharansky has his own ties to Russian and Israeli mafia networks, some of which have been implicated in the spy/dope operations in America. Sharansky is now involved in a high-profile lawsuit in Israel over published allegations of his Russian mafia ties.

One key to understanding CAMERA's panicky response is the role of another CAMERA director, David P. Steinmann. An investment counsellor to the Rosenwald Family (Sears Roebuck), Steinmann is also the current CEO and president of JINSA, and is chairman of the New York Board of Governors of Middle East Quarterly and a director of the Center for Security Policy.

Center for Security Policy head Frank Gaffney has been long suspected of ties to the "X Committee," the Reagan-era network of Defense Department and National Security Council staffers suspected of having colluded with the American Pollard, convicted of spying for Israel.

The heart of Israeli penetration of the U.S. national security institutions is JINSA. JINSA was founded in 1973, immediately following the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli War, to assure U.S. military support for all future Israeli wars. JINSA's mission was to recruit large numbers of active-duty and retired U.S. military officers to the Israeli cause, by, among other techniques, sponsoring all-expenses-paid junkets to Israel, or exchange programs and lectures between U.S. and Israeli military academies.

JINSA's board is a hotbed of long-suspected "X Committee" members, including former Reagan-era Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Steven D. Bryen, Reagan National Security Council consultant Michael Ledeen, current Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle, Kenneth Timmerman, and former CIA director James Woolsey. Steven Bryen's wife, Shoshana Bryen, is staff director of JINSA.

JINSA boasts dozens of retired U.S. flag-rank officers who sit on its advisory board, while holding top posts in the defense industrial sector.

JINSA's own published material makes the case for its inclusion as a target of the spy probe. Its website (www.jinsa.org) boasts, "Only one think-tank puts the U.S.-Israel strategic relationship first—JINSA" (emphasis in the original). JINSA also advertises its military-to-military exchange programs with the Israeli Defense Forces: "JINSA pays all of the costs associated with the trip, with the exception of some meals provided in Israel by the IDF. The participants understand that the trip is privately funded and this enhances the credibility of both JINSA and the IDF." The JINSA "work/study" program in Israel targets young, active-duty U.S. military officers for indoctrination: "This work/study program is designed to provide the next generation of American military leadership with a personal, intensive experience with an allied country. Although the vast majority of those who participate are not Jewish, many have a strong interest in Israel for political and religious reasons."

On Sept. 12, JINSA issued a call for precisely the kind of U.S.-Israeli war against the Arab world that is the goal of the Sharon and his IDF allies: "The countries harboring and training [terrorists] include not just Afghanistan—an easy target for blame—but Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan, the Palestinian Authority, Libya, Algeria, and even our presumed friends Saudi Arabia and Egypt." The release demanded that the United States invade Iraq, cut off military aid to Egypt, and bomb Damascus and Beirut.

Next: 'Open Conspirators' Behind September 11 Coup Plot

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