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Americans Respond to LaRouche's Warning: "Tell Us What to Do"

October 7, 2009 (LPAC)—The discussion on WRNE radio in Pensacola, Fla., this morning confirmed the recent pattern, of talk show hosts insisting that their listeners not just listen, but take action, after Lyndon LaRouche's analysis and solutions are presented.

LaRouche spokesman Harley Schlanger presented a blunt report on what is happening, now that we have entered the month of October. The host, Robert Hill, asked whether it is true that the President is following the same path as Bush and Cheney, on the economy and the war in Afghanistan.

At a certain pointed, he exclaimed, "Folks, this is a serious warning about a really dangerous situation," then asked, "What can we do?" He also asked Harley whether he thinks African-American leaders are being silent (he is African-American) because they are defensive about Obama being African-American.

Harley said it's worse than that — they are so used to compromising, begging for crumbs, that they have forgotten how to fight. The host then asked, "What do we do?" Your listeners, Harley replied, must get serious about becoming leaders, which means they must study LaRouche's ideas, so they can properly present his solutions.

The host later reported that several hours after the program he was continuing to receive calls from listeners, thanking him for having LaRouchePAC on the air.

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