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British, Soros Call for Troops to Congo

November 28, 2008 (LPAC)--Billionaire British agent George Soros has issued an open letter calling on British Prime Minister Gordon Brown to approve an invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by troops of the European Union. The Soros letter is co-signed by 18 other public figures, several of them well known as Soros stooges.

The November 28 Soros letter replays the recent public statements by Baron Mark Malloch-Brown, British Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, calling for British troops to invade the DRC, as a "solution" to the humanitarian disaster caused by British-inspired rebel troops tearing up the region. Lord Malloch-Brown is a long-time political partner of Soros, and a former executive of Soros' financial and political agencies.

The letter, issued through the British organization Oxfam, says that the "UN Special Representative to the DRC has called for an interim force to deploy immediately to protect civilians and support the UN peacekeepers until reinforcements can arrive. It is increasingly clear that the EU is best placed - through its standing battle groups - to play this role and deploy now. We urge you to speedily agree to the temporary deployment of an EU force."

Several of the co-signers are serial signers of Soros propaganda. For example, a Soros public statement issued October 12, 2008 called for an Israeli-Arab accord on water use based on the genocidal principles of the Club of Rome, accepting water as permanently scarce (i.e. ruling out desalination of sea water) was cosigned by former Czech president Vaclav Havel, the former Czech president Republic, former South African president Frederik Willem De Klerk, former World Trade Organization Mike Moore, South African cleric Desmond Tutu and Jordanian Prince El Hassan bin Talal, all signers of the November 28 call for an EU invasion.

Desmond Tutu is a member of the Soros group known as The Elders, whose executive director is the longtime Soros employee, Princess Mabel of the Netherlands.

The British-bred Prince El Hassan bin Talal was president of the pro-genocide Club of Rome from 1999 to 2007.

Other signers of the invasion call are

Lloyd Axworthy, former Canadian Foreign Minister -- notorious as a Soros-linked political hit-man against South America;

Jorge Castaneda, former Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs -- notorious as a Soros slave;

Richard Goldstone, former Chief Prosecutor of the UN International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda -- Soros pushed Goldstone for that post, and the Soros Open Society Institute financed the Court;

Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights -- a director of Al Gore's London hedge fund, Generation Investment Management;

Lord Bishop Michael Scott-Joynt, prelate of the British monarchy's Order of the Garter;

Richard Dowden, executive director of Queen Elizabeth's Royal African Society;

Tom Stoppard, British author of Rosencrantz and Gilderstern are Dead;

Juan Mendez, President of the Soros-stooge International Center for Transitional Justice, with such directors as Richard Goldstone, Kati Marton (wife of Soros business partner Richard Holbrooke), and Samantha Power (an agent of Malloch Brown and George Soros);

and Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire (Retired), Canadian Senator and former Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Rwanda; Jan Egeland, Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, former UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator; Joschka Fisher, former German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor; Bishop Monsengwo Pasinya Laurent, Head of the Catholic Church in Kinshasa, DRC.

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