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Malloch-Brown Lines Up His Pawns for a Prolonged Crisis in Congo

November 22, 2008 (LPAC) -- Lord Malloch-Brown, the British Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations, and likely controller of George Soros, gave full support to Rwanda and Rwanda-backed rebels operating inside Congo at the end of his trip yesterday to the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring Rwanda. The anti-Congo rebels, whose backing reportedly comes primarily through Rwanda, kicked off the catastrophic destabilization in eastern Congo when it broke a ceasefire in August, and marched toward Goma, the provincial capital of North Kivu.

Malloch-Brown's task, on behalf of the London-based imperial financial cartel, is to prevent any effective intervention that would end the destabilization while defending the sovereignty of the Congo. The destabilization has driven as many as 250,000 people from their homes, according to reports. The operation has been launched before the new U.S. administration comes in, and is intended to set a precedent for an anti-nation state policy, with ramifications elsewhere in Africa, such as Sudan.

After a lengthy meeting with Rwanda President Paul Kagame yesterday, Malloch-Brown rejected any suggestions that the anti-Congo rebels are assisted by Rwanda. The anti-Congo rebel force, the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), is led by a Kagame associate from Rwanda, Laurent Nkunda. Malloch-Brown said that "We completely reject allegations that the CNDP is a Rwandan force." However, even the British press has reported that active-duty Rwandan soldiers, as well as decommissioned members of the Rwandan military, crossed into Congo, to make the destabilization effective.

Malloch-Brown asserted that the "CNDP is a reactionary force. It has been created by internal issues that country," retailing the Rwandan line that there are Rwandans (who participated in the genocide in Rwanda) who fled into Congo, which represent a threat to the Rwandan government. Malloch-Brown is blaming Congo, which doesn't have the resources for a competent military, for not mopping up this anti-Rwandan group hiding out in Congo. He said this force, and other militias in the area (some of which are backed by the government, because it's military is so weak), is the "cancer" causing the problem in the region.

Malloch-Brown said the U.K. partnership with Rwanda is very strong, that their meeting was "extremely good," and that "Britain will partner with Rwanda in finding a process to ensure peace in eastern Congo."

The Rwandan genocide, and the subsequent war in Congo, was instigated by the financial cartel. More than 5 million people have died in the eastern Congo since Uganda and Rwanda invaded the area in 1998, according to the International Rescue Committee. By doing nothing to aid the development of the Congo generally, and this mineral- and agriculturally-rich area in eastern Congo, so the problems in the area could be resolved, Malloch-Brown continues to carry out the population reduction policy designed by the British, and which has also been the mainstay of U.S. foreign policy since Henry Kissinger adopted NSSM 200 from the British.

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