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Lord Monckton Calls Global Warming Hoax the Third UN-Backed Mass Slaughter

December 12, 2007—Following a press conference in Bali debunking the global warming hoax, British Lord Christoper Monckton issued a statement in which he identified the hoax as the third UN-backed slaughter of the world's poorest people. "The international community has galloped lemming-like over the cliff twice before," said Lord Monckton. "Twenty years ago, the UN decided not to regard AIDS as a fatal infection. Carriers of the disease were not identified and isolated. Result: 25 million deaths in poor countries.... "Thirty-five years ago the world decided to ban DDT, the only effective agent against malaria. Result: 40 million deaths in poor countries." Twenty-first Century Science and Technology, the science journal of the LaRouche movement, has estimated that in fact sixty million were killed by the DDT hoax.

How many more millions will Al Gore's fascist minions kill this time around?

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