Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

Media Release Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary
PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 1800 636 432

Australian Glass-Steagall would stop bank rip-offs

Australia’s best-known finance commentator Alan Kohler was compelled to recognise the importance of the banking separation issue, by the sheer numbers of public submissions to the banking royal commission calling for Glass-Steagall.

Kohler wrote in The Australian on 3 December:

“I have been opening a random sample of the 10,140 submissions—just short ones from individuals. Without exception they called for the banks to be broken up and most of them, surprisingly, used the term ‘Glass-Steagall’—suggesting that the now-repealed American law that used to forcibly separate banking from insurance and investment banking be introduced into Australia.

“That would certainly be a fertile field for the royal commissioner to plough, although most of the banks have already announced plans to break themselves up along those lines so perhaps such a recommendation would lack drama.”

Unlike most commentators and politicians, however, Kohler is not totally fooled by these moves from the banks that appear as if they are separating voluntarily. Continuing, he made the following very important point:

“But Westpac says it will keep its insurance and wealth management division and AMP and Macquarie have not announced any plans to get rid of their banks, so an Australian version of Glass-Steagall would make it uniform and would make sure they didn’t slide back into their bad old ‘one stop shop’ ways in future.” (Emphasis added.)

The public submissions that got Kohler’s attention came from the Citizens Electoral Council’s campaign to flood the royal commission with calls for Glass-Steagall, to send the message to Commissioner Hayne that while the banks don’t want separation on the agenda, the public do.

Kohler now joins the ranks of other notable Australian experts who have endorsed the Glass-Steagall option:

Banking separation is clearly a major solution to Australia’s banking problems—Australians must demand nothing less.

What you can do

The CEC urges all Australians to join the fight for Glass-Steagall, by getting in regular contact with your federal MP and Senators. Email or phone them with updates from the CEC’s releases, and ask them to respond. Here are two things to do today:

  1. Send them this release, so they see the notable banking experts who are supporting this policy.

  2. Demand they amend the APRA bail-in law snuck through Parliament in February, to make it explicit in the legislation that deposits can’t be “bailed in” (seized to prop up banks) in a crisis. Click here for the details you need to know: /releases/2018_11_20_Confirmed_APRA_Law.html

    Click here for a free copy of the latest issue of the CEC’s weekly Australian Alert Service magazine, which reports on the fight for Glass-Steagall in Australia and around the world.

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