Request Membership

Your name
An Associate Member of the Australian Citizens Party is a member of the political party who is over 18, an Australian citizen, and on the electoral roll. This is an entry level membership.
An Affiliate Member is a subscription only membership level. As an Affiliate Member you will not be submitted for party registration purposes but will receive notifications and membership publications. This level may include non-Australian citizens.
Your email and password
Password must be 6-12 characters long
Security question
Security question and answer information will be used to identify you when you request new password
Your address
Please enter phone number in the following format: 0399995555.
Do not use spaces, dashes or + characters
Please enter mobile phone number in the following format: 0400111222.
Do not use spaces, dashes or + characters
Please enter fax number in the following format: 0399995555.
Do not use spaces, dashes or + characters
Please enter the code shown:

We will send you email confirmation with the information you provided after you submit this form