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GAO Briefing Proves That Obama's European Missile Defense System Is Aimed At Russia
February 10, 2013 • 2:00PM

A secret Government Accountability Office briefing, obtained by the Associated Press, proves what the Russians have always said about the U.S.-backed missile defense system in Europe: that it is, in fact, aimed at Russia and not Iran. According to AP, what the briefing actually says is that the system, as it's presently conceived, is incapable of protecting the United States from an Iranian missile. AP doesn't say whether or not the GAO briefing addresses whether such Iranian missiles exist (they don't) but does say that re-arranging the system to make it work better would likely further inflame Russian concerns that the system is actually aimed at them. According to AP, GAO's investigators reported that classified studies by the Missile Defense Agency concluded that Romania was a poor location for an interceptor to protect the U.S. and that the Polish site would only work if the U.S. developed the capability to intercept Iranian missiles shortly after launch, a capability which the Obama Administration has said it is not pursuing. The Polish and Romanian sites could be replaced by stationing shipboard missile defense capabilities in the North Sea, but that could put them right where they would need to be to intercept Russian ICBMs.

DOD officials declined to comment to the AP on the GAO report, but all indications are that they did not disagree with it. They did emphasize that the missile defense system is in the early phase of its development and its capabilities are not even known!

It has been proven beyond doubt, through careful and competent analysis, by MIT physicst Ted Postol, the Defense Science Board, the National Academy of Sciences, and various think tanks, that the proposed European BMD deployment could not defend against an Iranian threat (even if the threat had existed), and that Phase IV of the deployment directly threatens Russia's strategic nuclear weapons.

Why else would Obama continue with this both provocative and practically useless program, except as a confrontation with Russia and China? A confrontation that would rapidly turn thermonuclear.

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