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February 4, 2013 • 9:19AM

The just-concluded Munich security conference has put the danger of thermonuclear World War III in stark relief. A number of speakers, including a George Soros clone from Human Rights Watch, tried to put the blame for the Syrian tragedy on Russia, for failing to cave in to NATO and the London-Washington axis. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov shot back on Saturday morning with a blast at those Western powers that were in violation of the UN Charter and were in bed with Al Qaeda and other jihadis. NATO Secretary General Rasmussen, speaking on the same panel with Lavrov, declared that NATO would take military action anywhere on Earth where Alliance interests were at stake.

As the brawl was taking place in Munich, Tony Blair was giving an interview to BBC, in which he gloated that the world was entering a generational conflict with radical Islamic terrorism, that would take as long as the Cold War against the USSR. Not only is Tony Blair the designated handler of Obama for the British Empire. He is a latter day Parvus, running around the world provoking permanent war and permanent revolution of every kind.

Adding to the madness, outgoing Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak openly admitted that Israel had carried out fighter plane incursions into Syrian territory to attack several facilities and would do the same thing again. The Israeli action, the first direct foreign military incursion since the beginning of the regime change drive against Assad began two years ago, is a major escalation. Syria is heavily armed with Russian air defense systems, and Russian advisors are on the ground at these facilities. As Col. Larry Wilkerson warned at the Walter Jones press conference in September, the Syrian crisis can easily escalate into a confrontation between the thermonuclear armed superpowers.

Just as the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the trigger for World War I, the Israeli attack last Tuesday may very well be described by future historians as the opening salvo of World War III.

It is clear as day that the drive for war is being impelled by the fact that the entire trans-Atlantic region has reached a hyperinflationary breaking point, where any one of a number of triggers—at any moment—could lead to Weimar hyperinflation and a total collapse into chaos and madness. Just look at the events of the past week, with the scandals surrounding the Monti dei Paschi Bank and Deutsche Bank. On Sunday afternoon, the head of Barclays Bank abruptly resigned. The Washington Post, in its infinite stupidity, editorialized on Sunday that Mario Draghi saved Europe from imminent collapse and bought European political leaders a bit of breathing space to totally surrender the last remnants of their sovereignty. What did Draghi do? He promised investors that the European Central Bank would cover any losses they suffered on purchases of European sovereign debt. This is pure hyperinflationary madness.

There is only one solution to this trans-Atlantic disintegration and that solution bears the name Lyndon LaRouche. Since the original blowout of the U.S. banks in the summer of 2007, LaRouche has been driving for the reinstatement of Glass- Steagall and the restoring of a sovereign credit system for great projects like NAWAPA. We are now at the point where there is no other solution. It is literally Glass-Steagall or die.

We are going into a crucial week in Washington. Congress is back in session and the drive for Glass-Steagall-plus is a top priority. We have unprecedented authority on what must be done to avert a total hyperinflationary blowout. There are, as we have seen, top officials of the Fed who are scared out of their pants over the danger of going any further with the Bernanke bailout policy. Richard Fisher and Thomas Hoenig, now the Vice Chairman of the FDIC, are indicative of a larger body of officials who know that a continuation of the current policies spells doom.

It is also critical that we are coming up on the thirtieth anniversary of Ronald Reagan's March 23, 1983, SDI speech. The fact that we are once again facing thermonuclear peril is the clearest proof that the SDI was the only path to true war avoidance in the thermonuclear age. Had the British not installed traitors Andropov and Gorbachov in power at the moment that President Reagan was committed fully to the SDI, the world would have been a dramatically different place. So here we are, once again, facing a situation where SDI and the added dimension of Strategic Defense of the Earth are existential issues for the survival of mankind.

It is in our hands as never before to lead the fight to at last decisively defeat the Empire.

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