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LaRouche's Australian Associates Nail Obama for World War, Millions See "Impeach Obama" Message
November 18, 2011 • 9:44AM

Just as Obama touched down in Australia on Wednesday, 450,000 of Australia's 22 million people received via email LaRouche's November 14th emergency statement that Obama intends to launch World War III, and that he must be impeached immediately. On Thursday, a LaRouche supporter prominently held up the famous "moustache" poster, "Impeach Obama", near Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard as they held their final press conference in the northern city of Darwin, to announce an expanded U.S. military presence in Australia to confront China.

The Australian Associated Press (AAP), the country's main news agency, sent out a wire photo of the "Impeach Obama" poster, as seen on the street in Darwin, held high in a demonstration against Obama's military expansion. AAP coupled the image in split-screen format with a picture of Obama and Gillard, and this combo was the lead photo on Yahoo.news.com.au this morning. The placard, and the fact that it was being displayed by a supporter of LaRouche, was covered in other national media.

Following their mass email of the World War III warning, LaRouche's associates in the Citizens Electoral Council are currently leafleting that statement at train stations and other high-density sites in all of Australia's major cities.

The CEC's high-visibility mobilization comes on the heels of the release of its latest New Citizen newspaper in 50,000 copies, under the banner headline, "Defeat British Crown's Green Fascist Dictatorship." Its second front-page article, "LaRouche: Three Steps to Global Economic Recovery," reports the September 30 emergency webcast address, in which LaRouche identified Step 1: fire Obama, because he is clinically insane and a British puppet.

That New Citizen contains a special report, "The British Crown Created Green Fascism!" (with never-before-published material on how the Crown created all modern "environmentalism" out of the British Eugenics Society and its front groups). Last month during the Royal Visit of the Queen and The Royal Virus, CEC organizers confronted Obama's masters twice in person with a huge banner charging them with creating Green Fascism.

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