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Advance Transcript of While You Were Sleeping Report, October 14th
October 14, 2011 • 8:13AM

Wall St. and the City of London are committed to this dying transatlantic system, and for them the only option left is a Hitler style coup in the United States. We have a U.S. President who intends on that very plan, and a economic breakdown that is quickly shutting the window for any other option. We see this especially in Europe.

The passage of the EFSF European bailout facility hinged on the final vote in Slovakia Tuesday, which failed. The government collapsed along with this vote, and it passed it on the second. The eurocrats said that the failure of the Slovakian vote was always intended to initially fail, and that their plan rested on this series of events.

As Slovak Finance Minister Ivan Miklos said: "The price was high, but I am glad that Slovakia at the end delivered on its commitments and we don't block this tool for the Eurozone to stem the crisis," And as the City of London might have said in response, Check Mate.

This is significant for what it represents for the whole bailout package. Analyst Lutz Karpowitz of Commerzbank said:"The second vote in Slovakia will pave the way for the EFSF; however, that does not constitute a solution," "The EFSF would still be too small to support countries like Italy or Spain should the necessity arise." And that was the very issue that Italian Finance minister Giulio tremonti raised several weeks ago, that Italy and Spain and even France are next, and that no temporary solution will work, no bank or nation has a seat on the ark. All of the major nations that have been touted as the lenders of last resort are bankrupt.

This was seen with the recent downgrade by the corrupt ratings agencies of several major banks in Europe yesterday. Most of the banks are the nominal powerhouses of banking, Lloyds of London, Royal Bank of Scotland were both downgraded, with threats to downgrade Barclays, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. But some might ask, don’t these people know what they are doing? Well, we can’t forget, that all of these banks had passed the recent financial stress tests, just like the now officially bankrupt Dexia Bank, which has more toxic debt than the nation of Greece.

So what do empires do when there is no option to save their system? They establish dictatorships, and start wars. As LaRouche said yesterday, "The issue is the intended British coup inside the United States," All of the media and diplomatic attention being paid to the purported Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States is a smokescreen and a diversion. People should ask themselves: If that really isn't happening, maybe something else is? "The one operation that I know is going on, is London's Hitler-style coup in the U.S. They are preparing the gas ovens for Americans."

As Leandra Bernstein reported on her blog post from yesterday “The Case of Iran & Obama's Private Armies,” In the case of the attempted assassination of Saudi ambassador to the United States, Adel Al-Jubeir, presumably by two Iranian citizens, there is one factor that has not been adequately acknowledged. Namely, any confrontation between the United States and Iran is inherently a confrontation with China and Russia. Early reports today noted that the Obama administration gave word to every U.S. ambassador abroad that they should put the Iranian case before their host governments and make the case for tough retribution.

Obama and other members of his administration have already stated their intent to “unite the world” in dealing with Iran. Susan Rice was right on time earlier today for yet another shrieking fit before the United Nations, to which both Russia and China responded cautiously, essentially saying, “Slow down.” However, it is only a matter of time before Russia and China are confronted based on their mutual resistance to a long-sought-after international incident with Iran, and their ongoing relationships with Iran in trade relations, and the Iranian nuclear power program, respectively. For more background, read Leandra’s blog posting in full at our blog page on larouchepac.com

But this use of our military, especially a private military, to enforce the policy of the British empire in fomenting conflict to stop development, has not always been the policy of the United States. We will now take a look at a time when our nations military was used for the development of peoples, and for pushing the frontiers of geography and science.

"Camp Century" Segment

The United States once had an ambition for development and the U.S military played a key role in that process. During the last year of the Eisenhower administration, and the first years of Kennedy’s, the U.S. army built a city in the Arctic, powered entirely by nuclear power, in an area almost completely uninhabited by mankind.

This city, Camp Century, was the eastern most wing of a line of radar and scientific monitoring stations, that stretched from Alaska, through Canada, into Greenland. These stations were built under the guise of defending our hemisphere against the Soviets, but their contribution to history outlived the death of that failed system. In 1959 our army departed from the city of Thule, Greenland,transporting our intended science city 150 miles with us overland, on trucks and transports built for the occasion. We carved the town streets out of the ice, set up prefabricated houses in a matter of hours, and used compressed snow bricks to seal the streets.

Camp Century was entirely powered by the first successful use of a portable nuclear plant, the Arco PM-2A. To create the same output of power used during the lifespan of the city, would have required one million gallons of diesel fuel, shipped over ice. The Nuclear station was pre-fabricated, and only took 77 days to make fully operational. Compare that to the 5, 10 or 15 year construction timetables we see today, as a result of bogus environmental studies, and the irrational fear of nuclear power.

The Ice allowed the food to be safely stored indefinitely, and we used just a fraction of the power from the nuclear plant to provide a near endless water supply, 10,000 gallons of fresh water a day. We pumped steam down into an ice well, and pumped the melted water back up. There was initial concern about using water that fell on the icecap as snow thousands of years before, so we tested for any traces of the black plague, among other diseases. The main missions for the camp were for Radar monitoring, testing the feasibility of living in extreme environments, testing Nuclear power, and Polar meteorological monitoring.

Camp Century was not a large city, but it was successful in performing its mission. It ran from 1959 to 1966, and though the proximate cause of abandoning this science city was unexpected ice movements, the shift away from science and progress with the death of John F Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy later, already signalled the shift away from progress best typified by Nuclear Power and arctic development, to be forcefully replaced by the genocide of environmentalism. As we look back on our nation, once committed to progress, we should understand our military is meant to serve the purpose of development of our nation and the collaboration with others to that end. Development and the mastery of science has been key to overthrowing the imperial designs of empire. We can return to the progress of nation building through the construction of projects such as NAWAPA and the Bering strait link. Lets use our nation’s experience on the glaciers of the arctic as part of our destiny to master the forces of nature in collaboration with our neighbors on the other side of the pacific.

A return to the use of our military as a force for global development, instead of as a tool for the British empire is necessary for our nations survival, and rests on the formation of the Great Pacific Alliance between Russia, China and the United States. The first step is the removal of our Hitler president from the White House.

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