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From Eichmann To Times Square: Who Is Nazi Soros To Prescribe Reform?

September 1, 2009 (LPAC)—A George Soros-created "coalition" of his own front groups staged a rally Saturday, August 29 in New York's Times Square, to promote the Obama health-care agenda. Despite being advertised to 13 million e-mail names by Obama's Internet operation, Organizing for America, the Soros rally drew only a few hundred people, herded on the sidewalk by the Soros ACORN troops.

But stuffed with cash from Soros and allied billionaires, the Soros "coalition" (calling itself Health Care for America Now) plans to send out buses to some 500 events in cities across the country over the next 10 days or so.

Who is Soros — that shameless Nazi collaborator and euthanasia promoter — to speak of health care?

In the 2002 biography (Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billonaire) written with Soros' help, author Michael Kaufman described how Soros came to work as a messenger notifying Jews that they must bring themselves in for deportation to death camps: "George ... began working as a courier for the Jewish Council, which had been established by [extermination mastermind Adolf] Eichmann ... as a first step leading to the identification and registration of Jews ... followed by herding them into ghettos and ultimately to forced labor and death." Kaufman wrote, "George had liked the excitement of being a courier," and had felt elated at his cleverness in breaking the rules and surviving, when all about him were perishing.

Over many years, Soros has been the leading sponsor and shaper of the campaign for the euthanasia agenda, that is now thrust forward by the Obama Administration.

Soros spelled out this campaign in a speech Nov. 30, 1994, describing the launch of his "Project on Death in America."

He called for ending life-saving medical care for the elderly and other useless eaters, and for legalizing narcotics to help shift to the death culture. He explained how when he offered to help his mother kill herself, she refused; when she was unconscious, he withdrew food from her and she starved to death about a week later.

In that speech he stated exactly how he intended to overthrow the American commitment to saving lives, by inflitrating his own paid and trained agents throughout the medical education centers.

He counseled, "This emphasis on treating disease, instead of providing care, has altered the practice of medicine. People live longer, surviving four or five illnesses before dying. But the health care bill grows with every illness. Our success has also brought other unintended consequences. We have created a medical culture that is so intent on curing disease and prolonging life that it fails to provide support in that inevitable phase of life — death. Advances in high-technology interventions have contributed to this weakness in our medical system, deluding doctors and patients alike into believing that the inevitable can be delayed almost indefinitely.... [With] physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia ... I cannot but approve."

The Soros Project on Death in America took the lead in a partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote euthanasia, assisted suicide, and doping in place of curing. After nine years, Soros and his followers had poured over $200 million into euthanasia propaganda, much of it involving training doctors and their organizations to betray their Hippocratic Oath to protect patients.

As to the Soros events planned for Phoenix, Denver and other cities—what if they gave a Nuremberg rally and nobody came?

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