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LYM Organizer Confronts Barney Frank At Town Hall Meeting

August 20, 2009—This exchange took place at a town hall meeting in Dartmouth, Mass., Aug. 18, 2009, between Rachel Brown of the LaRouche Youth Movement and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA). We print this report here, following a viral spreading of the interaction across the internet and on national news programs, and confirm, yes, Ms. Brown is with the LaRouchePAC.

RACHEL BROWN: I think the Administration is missing something in these town hall meetings, which is, that it's not just one group. The economy is collapsing. We have 30% real unemployment. Forty-eight states cannot balance their budgets and they are cutting programs to the bone. This is the context under which the Obama Administration says we need health-care reform...

BARNEY FRANK: Well, I'll tell ya...

BROWN: I'm not done. The reason why, is because they say we need to limit Medicare expenditures in order to do that, in order to reduce the deficit. That's the origin of this policy. This is the T4 policy, of the Hitler policy in 1939, when he said certain lives are not worth living; certain people, we should not spend the money to keep them alive. Which is exactly what Ezekiel Emanuel has said.

So, my question to you is, one, since this policy is already on its way out, it already has been defeated by LaRouche, my question to you is: Why do you continue to support a Nazi policy, as Obama has expressly supported this policy? Why are you supporting it?

AUDIENCE: Hubbub...

BROWN: ...a real solution?

FRANK: Let me, uh... When you ask me that question, I am going to revert to my ethnic heritage, and answer your question with a question: On what planet do you spend most of your time? [applause]

BROWN [Inaudible; apparently asks Frank to answer the question.]

FRANK: You want me to answer the question? [visibly and audibly enraged; lisp more pronounced:] Yes, you stand there with a picture of the President defaced to look like Hitler, and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis. My answer to you is, as I said before: It is a tribute to the first amendment, that this kind of vile, contemptible nonsense is so freely propagated.

BROWN: [inaudible]

FRANK: Ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to have a conversation with a dining room table. I have no interested in doing it.

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