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Obama White House Now Full Throttle for Care-Denying Nazi Health Board

July 22, 2009 (LPAC)--At a White House health care "reform" arm-twisting session yesterday with three House committee chairmen and a group of so-called Blue Dog Democrats, President Barack Obama personally pushed through an agreement to turn control over every type of Medicare/Medicaid spending, away from Congress, to White House bureaucrats mandated to cut down public medical care.

So much for the President's consistent lie that under his reform, "no Washington bureaucrat will come between doctor and patient, and determine what care is available and who gets it." Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) emphasized to Roll Call last night, that the national board was Obama's idea and policy, and that he had carried it at the meeting against the opposition of committee chairmen Charles Rangel (D-NY), George Miller and Henry Waxman (D-CA).

Obama has been more subtle, up to now, about demanding an appointed national care-cutting board, leaving it to surrogate "experts" like ex-Sen. Tom Daschle and White House aides Peter Orszag and Ezekiel Emanuel. But the President is likely to push this medical care-denying national board idea in his news conference tonight, according to Representative Ross. It is supposedly modeled on Britain's notorious national board, known by its acronym NICE. Lyndon LaRouche has warned repeatedly for four months that Obama's policy is actually the one Adolf Hitler called his "T-4" national euthanasia board in 1939.

The "deal" was reported last night by Congressional "Blue Dog Caucus" leader Ross who, along with his fellow fiscal- conservative Democrats, was used by fascist cost-cutters in the Obama White House to drive the unelected national health board policy over the opposition of the committee chairmen. OMB Director Orszag, and Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, were at the meeting, and Orszag then called the deal "probably the most important piece that can be added" to the "reform" legislation.

Orszag, a "behavioral economist" kook, personally wrote the legislative language for the appointed national care-cutting commission last week, and sent it to Congress, which until yesterday had not agreed to put it in the "reform" legislation. In Orszag's plan, even the appointed White House "commission of five physicians" is not the final cost-cutting word. It is trumped by the "Chief Actuary of the Commission for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)." This unelected bean-counter could declare even the commission's care-cutting rulings "null and void" if he decided they did not cut Medicare/Medicaid costs enough.

So Obama is now publicly full-throttle for a national board with powers to deny care by denying payment for it, like Hitler's "T-4" board that denied care to "lives unworthy of life."

But at the same time, public and Congressional opposition to the whole healthcare "reform" is growing, and Obama's timetable has slipped from "signing legislation on Oct. 1" to "before the end of the year." LaRouche demands the whole thing be scrapped: ban the HMOs instead; rebuild the hospital infrastructure by restoring the Hill-Burton law standards; and institute national single-payer "Medicare for all" health care to pay for it.

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