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Thursday, 17 June 1999

KKK-FBI invading Australia.

by Allen Douglas

Her Majesty's press barons are in a recruitment drive for the KKK, to fuel the next phase of 'land rights'.

Over the last two weeks, the mass media has exploded with coverage of alleged Ku Klux Klan activities in Australia. Suddenly, Klansmen are everywhere—they are on the Internet; they have taken over local branches of the populist One Nation political party, and are rumored to have members in the Labor Party and the ruling Liberal-National party coalition; they have wormed their way into the nation's Army and Navy; and 'klaverns' are sprouting up all over the country, while Klan leaders from the United States are planning tours downunder. National and state political leaders, such as Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer and Queensland state Premier Peter Beattie, are wringing their hands and denouncing the Klan, while the Aboriginal land rights industry is, predictably, also in an uproar.

There are a few guidelines for understanding the present hysteria, reminiscent of Orson Wells's famous, panic-inducing 1938 radio broadcast, 'The Martians have landed!' First, the Klan only grows when the establishment decides it will grow. This was true from the very outset, when Gen. Albert Pike, the head of the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite freemasonry, first founded the Klan after the U.S. Civil War, and it was true again during the period of the Klan's most explosive growth in the first three decades of this century, when the racist U.S. President Woodrow Wilson screened the movie, The Birth of a Nation (original title: The Klansman), at the White House, to launch a mass KKK recruitment drive. The Birth of a Nation was the very first film produced by Hollywood.

Second, the Klan these days, even in its U.S. 'homeland,' is a pathetic bunch of misfits who couldn't organize their way out of a wet paper bag; it exists only because of the money and manpower provided by the 'infiltrators' sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), as documented in The Ugly Truth About the ADL (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1994).

Although Australia has no Hollywood, its media are utterly dominated by two press barons, British-American-Commonwealth tycoons Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer, and their hype of the Klan is the single biggest cause of whatever actual KKK 'growth' may be taking place. Second, 'neo-Nazism' is a hothouse flower nurtured by police agencies. The major two neo-Nazi organizations of the past two decades, National Action and the National Front, were founded by one David Greason, a British-born MI5 asset, whose own neo-Nazi colleagues charged that he was also an operative of Australia's FBI, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO). The current 'Exalted Cyclops' of the Klan in Australia, Peter Coleman of Sydney, who is quoted in the Packer-Murdoch media virtually every day, was a leader of the Australian Nationalist Movement, whose notoriously charmed life was finally closed down after a series of shootings and bombings in the 1980s.

The real reason for all this hysteria, is the establishment's drive for the next phase of 'land rights,' which is to be aided by silencing opponents through passage of new, draconian 'anti-vilification' laws just proposed by B'nai B'rith's Anti-Discrimination Commission, ostensibly to deal with the KKK.

The Aboriginal land rights industry was founded by Prince Philip, as a branch of his World Wildlife Fund, following his royal tour downunder in 1963. Its purpose is to turn over vast swaths of the continent to Aborigines, ostensibly as recompense for the wrongs they have suffered since Europeans arrived. In reality, the dirty duke wants to splinter Australia, and seize its vast wealth for the Crown's minerals cartel, led by Rio Tinto.

The next phase of that scam is a proposed charter of 'national reconciliation,' to be enacted by the year 2000, which would feature a formal apology to Aborigines by the Prime Minister, John Howard. Such an apology would fling open the door for multibillion-dollar 'reparations' payments, and an accelerated turnover of land claims, all leading toward separate aboriginal nations. That splintering of Australian sovereignty is indeed the goal, was proclaimed by Gatjil Djerrkura, the chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, to the Melbourne Age on June 4: "Reconciliation must include recognition of our law and our land. It must recognize that our rights are ongoing, including our right to self-determination," he said.

Anyone opposing this disaster is labeled a 'racist,' and, in the current hysteria, is presumably associated with the KKK. The most effective opposition to Prince Philip's 'land rights' plot has been led by Lyndon LaRouche's associates in the Citizens Electoral Council. Small wonder, then, that a Packer intimate and Murdoch columnist, Philip Adams, lashed out at what he called the 'barking mad beliefs of Lyndon LaRouche,' in his June 12 column, lamenting that those beliefs have spread widely in the nation.

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