CEC Australia

Conference Invitation

The World Land Bridge

Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards All Men

Citizens Electoral Council International Conference

28-29 March 2015

The global financial system is now careening towards a new, far greater breakdown than 2007-08, a reality which drives the escalating threat of thermonuclear world war between the desperate, collapsing trans-Atlantic powers and Russia and China. Under these existential conditions, nations face a choice: to remain with the policies and alliances that are driving the collapse and war danger, or to join with fellow nations to establish a new economic world order that can guarantee peace and security.

To secure this new economic order, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) together with a growing number of collaborators, have forged ahead in the last two years with grand development projects, and agreements on the credit mechanisms to fund them. The trans-Atlantic powers view the BRICS developments with ill-disguised hostility, as a threat to their hegemony; nevertheless the BRICS invite the U.S. and Europeans to collaborate with them in economic development. For instance, China has an open invitation to the U.S. and its Pacific allies Australia, Japan and South Korea to join the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB), but the U.S. is pressuring its allies not to participate.

In July 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the New Silk Road Economic Belt, followed in October by the announcement of the Maritime Silk Road. In early 2014 Russia endorsed the Silk Road proposal and signed a series of extensive agreements to cooperate with China, to create a new economic architecture in the Asia-Pacific. The 16 July 2014 "Fortaleza Declaration" of the 6th BRICS Summit in Brazil, signed by nations representing half of the world's population, made history with the creation of the BRICS' New Development Bank and Currency Reserve Agreement, to allow nations to break free of the vice-grip of the current City of London/Wall Street-dominated financial system.

From these beginnings a stunning series of bilateral meetings, summits, and conferences has consolidated the collaboration between nations intent on this approach of peace through economic development, exemplified by BRICS allies Egypt building the New Suez Canal and Nicaragua constructing the Great Inter-Oceanic Canal. Such great projects will transform the world economy and demonstrate the power of sovereign nations to deliver on the economic development needs of their people, independent of the IMF and World Bank.

Now Greece is asserting its sovereignty, becoming the first European nation to boot out a puppet government run by the Troika of the IMF, EU and European Central Bank, and to push for economic justice through a national debt reorganisation, a Europe-wide debt conference and measures to fund economic reconstruction.

As Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche summed up the world situation in her introduction to the recently published EIR Special Report on the World Land-Bridge: "There are now two economic and financial systems built on completely different principles. One, the trans-Atlantic system, as an imperial structure, seeks constantly to extend the boundaries of its sphere of power through supranational structures which threaten the sovereignty of other nations," including the use of regime change, terrorism and war. On the other hand, "The newly arising system of the BRICS nations and the countries associated with them, bases itself upon entirely different principles. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi formulated it most expressively at the plenary session of the Brazil summit, 'BRICS is unique as an international institution. In the first instance, it unifies a group of nations, not on the basis of their existing prosperity or common identities, but rather their future potentials. The idea of the BRICS itself is thus already aligned with the future.'"

For more than 25 years the Citizens Electoral Council has fought for Australia to adopt the very policies and principles now being championed by the BRICS. Australia must now choose: do we go down with the collapsing trans-Atlantic system, or, beginning with accepting China’s offer to become a founding member of the AIIB, do we join the BRICS to ensure our future? We look forward to seeing you at this historic conference.

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